Sunday, July 20, 2008

A Cookbook Challenge

(Pictured: The Southern Heritage Cookbook cover in miniature by Chris Verstraete)

For fun, Terri, the list owner of the Miniature Collectors Club at Yahoo Groups, decided to hold a contest called The Cookbook Challenge. In it you were to duplicate the page or cover of a favorite cookbook or scene. This is my entry.

I found the Southern Heritage cookbook at a flea market for $1. As I'd made some of the foods before, I thought the picture was something I could duplicate. Making the watermelon was something new and was fun to try.

You have to see the unusual winning entry which was really well done. (Btw, the winner is a doll maker.) I enjoyed the challenge. And btw, I got second place.

You can see all the amazing entries at the group's Webshots page.


Sumaiya Mehreen said...


Thanks for the link to the group's Webshots favorite was the one with the baby in it! :D

marcella aka milo said...

Oooohhh I love this! can't we do something similar here????? I don't mean a contest, but a theme for posts? pretty please?????